01534 498822 info@sunworks.je
Jersey Channel Islands

Battery Storage

Store electricity for use when the Sun goes down

Solar panels typically generate the most electricity when it's needed the least. Battery storage changes that by storing excess solar electricity for later use.

Not all solar systems need battery storage, and most homes don't have them.

SolarEdge App

Advantages battery storage in the home

Save on utility bills

Maximise self-consumption of your solar power, this lowers electricity bills as much as possible

Accessible and Scalable

Batteries can be retrofitted at a later date

Powercut? No Problem

Some systems such as the Tesla Powerwall offer back-up during gird powercuts

Become more self-sufficient

Total % of energy from solar can be typically between 40 >75% annually depending on type of property and consumer energy habits

Futureproofing Grid Services

Offer grid services, especially in areas with 'time of use' (TOU) tariffs. While TOU isn't presently promoted in Jersey, our systems are designed to be futureproofed for this feature.

Batteries SunWorks Offer

SunWorks surveyors can recommend the best battery product for you. We supply both AC and DC coupled battery solutions, and only from the most trusted brands with 10 year warranties.

Here is an outline of the 2 key products we offer

SolarEdge StorEdge
Solar Edge


SolarEdge StorEdge integrates with the monitoring platform provided with your PV system and consists of a DC battery solution and is well suited for homes with less consumption.


Tesla Powerwall which is an independent AC coupled system. Its advantages are its scalable, modular system and can be used within 3 phase electrical services and can be placed anywhere in the house or externally.

Our Solar surveyors will assess what we know about your energy use and advise on the right battery system for you.

Key considerations

  • Batteries are designed to typically run on a 24 hours cycle. Meaning they charge in the day and discharge that night. Capacity is not sufficient to store electricity in the summer for use in winter.
  • Battery technology is still expensive and primarily a mechanism for maximum solar self-consumption and battery back-up.
  • Currently in Jersey and Guernsey there are no Time of Use tariffs to provide financial incentives in exchange for grid services.
  • Battery supply and price has varied greatly. At present in Q3 2023 batteries are in good supply with UK suppliers.
  • Installation price is largely dependant on the ease of installation and providing all equipment is in a centralised location.
  • While other installers may install batteries in attics and habitable spaces. SunWorks only install Batteries should be located in non-habitable space or outside wherever possible in the unlikely event of a thermal issue with the battery.
Ready to take the first step in getting your property fitted with Solar?

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