Jersey Cheshire Homes (JCH) installed solar through SunWorks in October 2021. The project soon become a prominent success story for the Government of Jersey’s financial stimulus packages following the pandemic. As we head into Summer, the solar production has rapidly increased, showing a constant growth in energy produced.

JCH offers a wide range of services such as physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, nursing, rehabilitation, respite, residential and day care and activities. A huge property that requires a massive amount of energy to provide a service to the disabled adults in Jersey.

In the second quarter of the year, July was JCH biggest solar month yet, achieving 43% of the facility’s total energy requirement, nearly halving their imported energy. The installation (which consists of 166 x Trina 395W solar panels) has produced a staggering 29% of the JCH total energy year to date and will likely be above 40% by the end of the year.

Jersey Cheshire Home is an essential charity that already does so much for the public, and we love to see local organisations going the extra mile and thinking green for Jersey #ThinkingGloballyandActingLocally.